Jonathan | Miamisburg Senior Class of 2025 | Riverfront Park, Miamisburg

Jonathan is a senior at Miamisburg High School and plans to study Mechanical Engineering in college. We shot his senior session on his home turf in downtown Miamisburg & Riverfront Park. The weather was summer bright and blazing- perfect for highlighting Jonathan’s impressive athletic abilities and laid back smiles.

Jonathan, I hope your senior year is flippin’ amazing!

One word to describe me is well-rounded.

I like my ability to succeed in multiple areas.

I’m involved in school and club soccer, pep and jazz band, and tumbling.

I struggle with procrastination.

I enjoy many types of genres of music but some of my favorites are country, pop rock, and contemporary christian music.

Most people don’t know that I’m a gymnast.

I’ve learned the importance of staying in the moment and enjoying every bit of life.

After graduation I plan to go to university to study Mechanical Engineering.

In ten years I see myself hopefully married and starting my career.

Shout out to Mom for raising such a nice, young man!

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