Katie Swift

Long Live the Kings, A Garden Wedding, Vandalia, Ohio

Anna and Jeremy met in a Band Methods class at Wright State University in January 2013. Jeremy was learning woodwinds and Anna was learning percussion. Anna thought Jeremy was cute and quiet but didn’t think a lot of it because she had a boyfriend at the time. Jeremy thought Anna was the coolest person he had ever met. Three years...

Luke and Lindsey, At Home, Bellbrook, Ohio

Luke and Lindsey met in Lindsey’s apartment last May. Luke thought Lindsey was pretty and Lindsey thought Luke was laid back and handsome. Six months later they were engaged. When I asked them one word to describe their relationship they said, complimentary. After our time together, I would agree and would also add the words...

Sarah and Jared, (a blended) Family Session, 2016

I’m not gonna lie, when a photographer asks me to take their pictures, I feel pretty awesome. Like maybe somebody smells what I’m cooking. Somebody’s snacking what I’m packing. Like maybe they’re itching what I’m scratching…you get the point. Sarah and I found each other in a photographer group on Facebook. She was looking for...

Eric & Alycia | A Story of Hope | Bellbrook, Ohio

Very soon, my friends and I will load up our minivans with suitcases, sleeping bags and kids. We’ll drive up mountains and down the coastline to a place where moss hangs on trees like jewelry- adorning the old oaks with its spongy southern bling. March trailing behind us exhausted in the wind, we’ll drive out of our boring little...

Get a Wall…

After New Year’s, we dragged up boxes from the basement. Boxes cramped and overflowing with all the kid’s papers and projects. Sunday school scribbles, glittered ABC’s, macaroni necklaces, wallet sized photos we forgot to hand out. Math quizzes, birthday cards, drawings I labeled and dated before the kids could do it themselves. I’d thrown nothing...

Want to stalk each other and pretend we're good friends? Me too!

Follow me on Instagram @katieswiftphotography