Colonel Fee Retirement Ceremony | AFIT, WPAFB | Fairborn, Ohio

I am so grateful for the opportunity I was given last month to photograph Colonel Fee’s retirement ceremony at the Air Force of Institute of Technology. Colonel Fee is one of those impressive leaders who used his authority to lift up others. It was an honor to attend such a major life milestone and celebrate his 25 plus years of dedicated service.

I must confess, I am a sucker for anything patriotic. My husband, brothers, uncles, grandfathers and even some of my closest friends have served in the military. So when I see a flag folding ceremony or hear the national anthem, it’s quite personal. I love my country like I love my family- not because it’s perfect or better than anyone else’s but quite simply, because it’s mine.

Thank you Colonel Fee and family, for your service and your sacrifice…

Contact me to photograph your retirement ceremony

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