The Ride

Sometimes the best way to describe parenting is through the children themselves.

My son Jonah, for example just has a knack for expressing the Monday Morning Grumpies.

No amount of reasoning, sweet talk or bribery can cure the grumpies.

My son David shows the best way to react to these situations.

Everyday I ask God to help me be a good mother.

To show me what that even means.

Sometimes the answers are right in front of me (even if they are a little blurry).

I can complicate things so much in my mind.

I always have lists and lists of things that must get done.

But the longer I am a parent the more I am clinging to the good old fashioned serenity prayer.

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”

The wisdom of God usually comes to me in a whisper. And most often in this season of crazy busy life that I am in, it tells me to


And really look around me. And really see my kids.

And have fun.

Even if it means dirty windows.

It’s not always easy. Actually it NEVER is.

But surrender is not passive. It is not weak. And it knows how to fight.

And it is saving my life by letting me actually live it- one day at a time.

And today, I am enjoying the ride.

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