Kahlil | Springboro Senior Class of 2025 | Eastwood & Oregon

Kahlil is a senior at Springboro High School and plans to be a mechanical engineer after he graduates. We shot his senior session at Eastwood Metropark & the Oregon District. We had a few special furry friends make guest appearances, including Kahlil’s wise, old tabby cat, aptly named Silver, and the funky, flashy, fresh puppy pug, Gucci who was a total show-off 🙂

Kahlil, I hope you have a fulfilling senior year packed with love, laughter and life-giving friendships.

One word to describe me is caring.

I’ve learned that giving back to others what you have received is the only way to truly “pass it on.”

I am involved in Ultimate Frisbee, NHS, Superintendent Student Council, Chess Club, and Environmental club.

I listen to rap, pop, hip hop, country, whatever I’m in the mood for.

I love to take information and forge my own path different to anyone else’s while still having similarities to bond with others through community.

I look up to myself, while I have many idols, or talented people who I wish I could be like. I understand that I am my own person and always chase the best version of myself.

I like my ability to make strong relationships with people by using healthy practices and boundaries.

I struggle with relying on selfish tendencies when I am working through hard emotions.

Most people don’t know that I’m still not 100% sure what direction I want to go in life, despite telling people I am set on engineering.

As I have begun to become self responsible I cannot wait to be able to make decisions without having to consult my parents for the smallest detail.

After graduation I plan to go to a college and study mechanical engineering.

In ten years I see myself as a well-balanced human being who is committed to my job or whatever I am doing.

Shoutout to the fam jam for bringing all the furry friends and many thanks to Michelle for making it happen!!!

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