Rachel’s Senior Story | Wegerzyn Gardens | Centerville Class of 2023

Rachel is a theatre girl and her senior session shows it! I loved how dramatic and fierce she was in front of my camera- parts of her session felt like poetry to me. And is there anywhere else like Wegerzyn Gardens in the fall? It’s a different kind of magic- shadowy and shifting like a slow fire burning…

I would describe myself as wacky.

I have a tendency to think and do things differently than others.

I have a crazy and chaotic type of personality.

I definitely march to the beat of a different drum.

I do theatre with the CHS Theatre Company. I love to sing and take weekly vocal lessons. I am very much into the arts…

I work very well with children and animals. 

I love spending time with my dog Mina. She is a 2 year old chihuahua/dachshund mix.

I also am part of a 4H group where I serve as treasurer and show pygmy goats in the county fair.

I have a bit of a green thumb and enjoy gardening as well.

I am such a homebody. I love to relax on the couch and cuddle with my dog or hang out in my room.

I listen to almost anything but particularly like 70s/80s rock and music from the 90s grunge rock. I am not a fan of country unless it’s Dolly Parton because she is amazing!

I look up to my parents.

They are always there for me when I feel overwhelmed or in trouble.

They help me see things from multiple perspectives and help me learn from mistakes.

The most important thing I’ve learned is patience.

When working with ceramics, you have to take your time and allow the piece to evolve. When you rush and try to cut corners, you end up with a giant blob.

Patience has also come into play in my theatre work. 

It’s helped me to work better with others and take the time to consider other people’s ideas even when I know mine is the best.

I could be considered bossy and like things done my way.

 The most surprising thing I’ve learned in school is all the different opinions and perspectives of my peers. It’s amazing to me the variance in views on current events and world topics. I also think you can learn a lot about someone by the books they have read and enjoyed.

After graduation I plan to attend college and study animal science with the goal of becoming a veterinarian.

In ten years I see myself establishing myself as a veterinarian and working with farm animals.

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